Daily Life In New York

Seeing something being filmed
Central Park is one of the most filmed in locations in the world and New York in general is often used for on-location shoots. I think this is because it is impossible to get the spirit of New York on a sound-stage - if you want your film to look and feel authentic - actually film on the streets of New York. There is something so amazing about watching something being filmed, especially if you are a fan of the show / movie - I cannot imagine how amazing it would have been to have seen Sex and The City shooting regularly in New York back in the day. I was, however, lucky enough to see one of my favourite shows being filmed in New York - Kimmy Schmdit.

Seeing celebrities

Seeing a celebrity is as common in New York as seeing a Duane Reed on every corner. In the space of one minute in Soho I saw ASAP Rocky, Meg Ryan and Doutzen Kroes, as well as Kylie Jenner driving past on the way to her pop-up shop. Apart from Kylie Jenner, these celebrities seem to walk around without bother, it really is true when they say New Yorkers just couldn't care less about them. But the amount of paparazzi around Kylie was actually insane.
Riding the Subway

I was oddly excited about riding the New York Subway and after a lovely conversation with the man in the booth who explained it all to me, it was very easy to get the hang of it. It must be said it is not as easy to navigate as the London Tubes - most of the Subway stations do not provide access to both sides of the track and the entrances to different sides of the same station can be a block away from each other, so make sure you go into the right entrance.
I loved people watching everyone and the subway performers are unbelievable - I think I gave more money away to them than I spent on coffees (that's saying something!). I noticed how New Yorkers had just got used to it, but there really is incredible talent to see if you pay attention.
Getting the Bus

I did this once to tick it off my list but it wasn't the best experience. New York traffic is famous and it would have been quicker for me to walk. Also, unless you do not know the roads, it is extremely difficult to know when you are getting off. You have to pull a string to alert the driver you want to get off and then you have to open the doors by yourself - something I did not know until someone had to help me (I was standing there just staring at the doors like a moron).