The Suit of Cups

Ace of Cups
Known as the Holy Grail cup of life. Some readers consider it to be the most important card in the deck. Indicates a miracle or a blessing, like finding a soulmate, or conceiving a baby. Any situation that this card is near will be blessed with good fortune,
Denotes disappointment, sadness or a person with a god complex, believing the world revolves around them. With a huge ego this person tends to fall quite hard. They need to come back down to earth and accept other people’s views and feelings,
Two of Cups
The forming of an important relationship. This relationship is one built on common interests, friendship and a higher understanding of adult love and companionship. Usually it will span the march of time and grow and develop with you.
An argument or disagreement has taken place between two parties that is really quite petty. One or the other party in a relationship needs to break the ice and make the important first move towards reconciliation.
Three of Cups
This card denotes rejoicing, optimism and growth. It is a good time to enjoy yourself and indicates formal celebrations of events such as weddings, anniversaries, christenings or a promotion.
Formal celebrations will meet with some discord. This may arise through personality conflicts or bad timing in communications such as things being said that would have been better dealt with a t a different time and place.
Four of Cups
An offer of an emotional nature will be put to you, but it will come with strings attached. It would be wise to first find out what these strings are before accepting the offer.
You may be the victim of feeling that “the grass is greener on the other side” and have now got yourself emotionally involved in a situation that is not as good s it first seemed.
Five of Cups
A situation needs emotional sacrifice such as deciding between husband and children or a lover. In this case the lover is sacrificed due to family commitment. Or a new friend is causing problems with you and an old friend – the new friend is sacrificed.
A similar type of sacrifice needs to be made, but it is less heart-rending. For example choosing between a hobby or a full-time career. Your career needs more of your time and commitment, so it might be the hobby that will have to be sacrificed.
Six of Cups
This card shows that you are currently dealing with memories, such as those connected with a person from the past, childhood issues or even with children themselves.
Similar to the upright meaning except that in this case it indicates the recent past. You will be dealing with someone or a memory from the recent past, roughly within the last five years.
Seven of Cups
This card indicates that there are plenty of appealing opportunities on offer to you currently. Indeed, there are so many of them that you may be unsure of which one to choose. Whichever one you take up, however, will prove very rewarding and emotionally fulfilling.
Emotionally, you are feeling a bit of a rut and there seems to be nothing that fascinates you at the moment. Do not, worry, this barren emotional time will pass and there will be new experiences just around the corner.
Eight of Cups
All that has been familiar to you emotionally has gone pasts it “sell-by-date”. For example, you realise that the relationship you have been in for five years is not for you anymore. You decide to leave it and its comforts. This is about venturing into the world alone, but being relieved to do so.
You are on the path of finding yourself and are able to re-evaluate the past more clearly, enabling you to abandon old habits or friendships that are not working and move forwards to the future more positively.
Nine of Cups
You are feeling a sense of emotional abundance, sensuality and fulfilment that “all is right with the world”. This feeling is quite similar to the emotional bliss that some women experience when they are pregnant.
This card denotes complacency. Emotionally you are quire spoilt and maybe taking for granted the love you receive from others. There may also be the feeling that you are never satisfied with your life.
Ten of Cups
A fresh new start in the home. This can be an actual new home, or introducing a new aspect to the existing one – such as a child, a new partner, or even making structural changes to the property, which will make it feel completely different, fresh and new.
You will experience stress on the domestic front due to disruption or a new introduction into the home. These stresses although hard work, will usually work themselves through given some time and patience.
Page of Cups
This card is always present in a reading when a person is trying to gain your affection or attention. It is common for it to come up when you are dating a new person, or when it is your birthday, or when someone close is trying to make up after a disagreement. This card is informally known as the “Courtship Card”.
The reversed card is very similar to the upright definition of the page of cups, except that the attention will come form someone younger than yourself.
Knight of Cups
You are being wooded. This can indicate a lover. It concerns matters of the heart, whether this is an actual love affair or other things such as artistic self-expression. Perhaps a new partner is putting on their best behaviour to court you.
A person will be flirtatious, wanting affection due to lack of self-worth. More often than not love is a sport for them, in which they are adept at convincing you that they’re worth falling in love with. This person tends to be lax with the truth.
Queen of Cups
This person has an ability to listen to others, is interested in what they say, captivating and naturally charming, they have sensual, understated look that attracts others. The queen of cups makes a wonderful partner, friends, parent and colleague.
Similar to the upright Queen, except now plagued by deeply rooted insecurity, doubting themselves and their appearance. They may stay in realtionships and friendships where their good nature is taken advantage of and they are taken for granted.
King of Cups
This person enjoys socializing and people in general. They are at their best when they have an audience that appreciates them. Creative and drawn to the world of art, theatre and music. They have great prescience, a vibrant personality and wear bright colours and showy styles.
Like the reversed queen, this person suffers from deep insecurities and has a tendency to form destructive relationships. They will go to great lengths to get attention. They need to watch out for depression.s