The Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Put quite simply, the time to act on an idea is now. If you're planning any ventures or special tasks, now is the time to get things moving. Karmically speaking, this moment in time is most auspicious for the future of any given project tor issue.
Plans or projects are currently put on hold or there is a lack of interest. Although it may be frustrating to wait, it is not the right time to proceed at the moment and it is more advantageous to wait until the timing intuitively feels better.
Two of Wands
Now is a good time to bring new people into your life and to share what you have to offer. Expanding our circle of friend’s contacts can increase our happiness, because life can be quite meaningless without someone else or others to share it with.
Someone who is living a solidarity life and not finding happiness in that life. Now is the time to become more socially involved, perhaps by taking up activities that involve a varied group of people. The alternative is to face the reality of living alone.
Three of Wands
It is time to pursue new interests or directions. A new path is opening up and if you go down it, it will bring positive things into your life. This could indicate taking up higher learning, a hobby, or beginning to research a subject that interests you.
You are too passive, waiting for life to happen and any new directions to become absolutely obvious. It is time to formulate new directions and ideas about the path that you can follow. Decide what it is you are interested in, or good at and take action.
Four of Wands
There is a warm and festive feeling in your life at the moment. Now is a good time to emphasize your feeling of goodwill by getting friends and family together to share in these positive vibrations. This could be through a weekend away or a party.
You feel fed up with the general feeling of inertia and boredom in your life. You need to move yourself out of the rut but taking physical action, such as changing your scenery by taking a holiday, redecorating or doing something completely new.
Five of Wands
Discussions and mild debates are taking place at the moment in order to clear that air on certain subject’s r issues. Usually these discussions are beneficial and can lead to greater harmony and understanding between the parties involved.
This card indicates that there is a degree of discord and disharmony in current discussions or negotiations. Consequently the matter that is under discussion will require time and patience before it is resolved.
Six of Wands
Upright: you will receive public recognition and admiration for a job that is well done. Your peer group and those closest to you give you good support for your actions. You feel satisfied with your efforts.
This card indicates that you will finally received the recognition due to you for a good deed or achievement in the past. You will be given thanks for your previous efforts and a task well done.
Seven of Wands
You will need to protect and defend your current position in life. It’s time to watch out for the competition in a personal or professional capacity, but provided you keep on guard and have your wits about you, you should have no problems.
This card shows you that your defences are down and you have feelings of self-doubt. You are in danger of being caught off guard by someone or something in either a personal or professional capacity.
Eight of Wands
Life is moving in the fast lane. Look and see which cards fall next to this card in a reading, as their course of action will be speeded up for example, the Lovers next to the eight would be a relationship happening quickly or the world next to the eight would mean success is imminent.
Things have slowed down in your life and are grinding to a halt or you may feel misdirected. Re-evaluate your current position in case you are unsure or confused before pushing ahead with new ideas and directions.
Nine of Wands
There is a chance that you are being overly defensive or suspicious and in anger of becoming paranoid about a current person, event or situation. It is best to examine your feelings quite carefully before you over-react dramatically.
Your suspicions have been verified and it is time to move on in your life. The best advice is to look to the future and not to get too engrossed or involved in the problems of the past.
Ten of Wands
You are currently going through a lot of stresses and strains you have many responsibilities but you are quite capable of handling them so do not worry too much.
The stresses are strains of recent times have now subside and you are beginning to feel more contended. You can now relax and start to take things easily.
Page of Wands
This page indicates news coming to you, by post, telephone or email for example. It is information that will be of special interest of significance to you.
Precisely the same as the upright card expect that the information will be coming from someone younger than yourself.
Knights of Wands
A person who is soul-searching, looking for answers as to why they are here on each. Until they find what they are looking for, it is futile to try and pin down in a relationship. Wait and you will be rewarded with a life-long friend of partner.
A person chaotically looking for answers to their existence. They never settle in one place or with one person one long enough to understand anything about life’s meanings. Such chaos can lead to outburst of temper. Can be too extreme in their passions.
Queen of Wands
A person who craves being centre of attention. Uses their charms to better themselves. Often exotic in looks, prefers striking colours or fashions. Crafty with their hands as well as their mind. Would do well to go into a career such as sales, or the theatre.
Similar to the upright Queen, but when reversed, becomes competitive and manipulative in order to be centre of attention. May put value on what they can gain and not on people. Not good at keeping secrets – they may reveal them to score popularity points.
King of Wands
A person who is non-judgemental and deals with issues easily. Has a giving nature. Needs to be in touch with nature to feel grounded. A good partner or friends to those who appreciate their relaxed philosophy. Typical features include wavy hair with golden tints and a healthy build.
Similar to the upright king, but when reversed, rather eccentric. Perhaps an inventor who isolates himself while he creates. Has no ‘people’ skills and does not understand humanity. Can appear intolerant or narrow-minded.